LeaderTask Multilanguage Portable | 10 Mb
LeaderTask is the Scheduler + PYM + Calendar + Address book + Diary! LeaderTask is a clever organizer for Leaders. Intellectual control system of projects, events, tasks, contacts, frees you from the routine and will give more time for creativity!
Our organizer will help you get rid of various sinks of time, will help you to see a clear perspective on life, have a detailed review of cases, the tasks, you will set higher goals and achieve them. To plan and implement. Think and find solutions. Measure and manage any resources in your life!
• Tree-like form of display problems. In the form of a tree is much easier to keep tasks. The possibility of building a hierarchy of tasks of any level of nesting.
• Displaying tasks in a calendar. Viewing periods of time in the calendar grid. Editing tasks, reminders in the calendar. Creating personal schedules, the creation of repetitive tasks.
• Multi-user (network) version is used for simultaneous operation of all employees of the enterprise. LeaderTask Company Management is a reliable solution for the distribution of tasks and the exchange of information between the employees.
• Version for PDA. LeaderTask PDA organizer is a mobile version of LeaderTask organizer for Windows Mobile. With LeaderTask PDA Organizer, you will no longer need paper lists: «What to buy in the store» or «What to do in the Bank/tax/ at work/on the way home.» You will always have at hand the information you need, in the right place! Because LeaderTask PDA Organizer will always be with you on your PDA!
• Filtering tasks. Ability to quickly obtain sets of tasks, for example: «Today I», «IMPORTANT», «URGENT», «Sales for the month», «project XYZ in September», «Monitoring of delegated tasks», «Bank», «Buy», «Read», «Topics for the meeting», «Overdue tasks», the «Goal of the year»...
• Priorities. To allocate individually to every task priority (importance). Ability to self-determination of the priorities set by the user.
• Reminders. Ability to set reminders for any events, tasks. Setting the reminder effect in a reminder: the sound, a message, run the file.
• Easy navigation. Navigation tasks, organized with the help of a special tree panel «Navigator», a challenge to the required filter, and individual settings in the «Filtering», and the tabs of the task tree.
• Personal information Manager. LeaderTask allows you to store in its database absolutely any information: documents, images, diagrams, texts, various data, and can be stored as links to the files, and the files themselves.
• The user interface and flexible setting. The appearance of Leadertask the user can fully customize to fit your tastes and preferences: the location of the main panels, wood processing tasks, coloring categories of tasks, set custom icons, flexible settings and much more.
• Ease of use. Most of the features of the scheduler are well-known hot keys. The call can also be produced by a combination of hot keys.
• Templates. Organization template library tasks, ready-made solutions, notes, algorithms. Serve as templates to store tasks that must be met at any time.
• Protection. Ensuring of information security. LeaderTask protects data through encryption of data, limiting access to the program with a password, there is also a possibility to backup data.
• Book contacts. The organization of storage of contacts and any information related to them: splitting into groups, and storage of any data, quickly call a contact (email, ICQ, www, phone...)
• Password Manager. LeaderTask can be used as an electronic wallet or a password Manager. The wallet is used to store confidential information, such as credit card numbers, addresses, and codes of access to services, usernames and passwords to restricted parts of the site. LeaderTask is a safe place to store your confidential information. Passwords securely hidden system of protection and encryption are also equipped with functions for fast retrieval of the desired password in the right place.
• Mobility. Storing all data in one place allows you to easily transfer LeaderTask to other computers, all information will always be with you no matter where you are!
• Container files. Storing copies of files of any type. LeaderTask can store any files in its database: excel spreadsheets, word documents, images... And this does not exclude the ability to store both files inside LeaderTak, and storage of links to external files.
• Link Manager. LeaderTask will help you easily organize a collection of links to websites. You can store links in the form of a tree, add any other information to: screenshots, comments, related contacts... Links have a wide set of hot keys, as well as the opportunity to open links from LeaderTask.
• Backing up data. Ability to backup data. Working with multiple versions of data. Rolling back to the old version of the database. Restoring from backup tasks.